How To Fix Microphone Dilema On Android Phones (Tested)

How to Fix Microphone Problem on Android Phones - Problem on smartphone hardware issues especially on rarely can be addressed with simple tools that you have, let alone you are lay people who do not understand in the repair or service a smartphone, but if problems arise is the issue about who is concerned with the software then just maybe you can fix it yourself without having to go to the place of service.

A common dilema that is common on the android smartphone is the mic or microphone that is not functioning, while experiencing on microphone hp android dilema usually at the time of the call or make a call, the person you call can't hear your voice clearly or not heard at all.

The microphone problems typically identified that hardware on the microphone are having problems or damage, but to make sure it does is damage to the hardware you should check out the dilema in terms of software First, because it does not cover the possibility of the dilema also caused due to system problems or software from android itself.

To do the repairs you can do the following in advance to ensure damage does occur in hardware or software.
How to Fix Microphone Problem on Android Phones How to Fix Microphone Problem on Android Phones (Tested)
We know how annoying it could be when your phone starts getting glitches. Isn’t it frustrating when you are in the middle of a call and suddenly, the person on the other end cannot hear you? What if it is an important business call? What if it was a phone interview?

You didn’t drop your phone. You didn’t tweak on the mic settings either. But somehow it gave up on its own. There are various possible causes why your phone’s mic is not working. Let’s look at some of it before you start getting irritated.

  • Sound hindrances. Are you holding your phone properly? Check if you are not obstructing the microphone with your finger. It could also be possible that your mic glitch is due to dirt which is accumulated over time. When was the last time you cleaned your phone?
  • Software upgrade.
  • Third party apps.

Fixing the mic dilema on your Android phone is surprisingly easy. Following the steps below could save you a lot of time and money instead of running to the nearest technician.

How to Fix Microphone Problem on Android Phones (Tested)

1. A quick restart

Your phone can get tired too. It could sometimes act up because you have been using it non-stop. Give it a quick break.

Turn off your phone and wait for about 10-30 seconds before turning it on again. This should refresh your hardware. Check if the dilema is solved.

The first thing you should do is turn off the hp android you beforehand, after turning off your android phone it's good you are also removing the battery for 30 seconds, then plug it back in then turn your android's battery, after that do a test run or test the back function of your microphone.

2. Cleaning your microphone with a pin.

This mic fix on your Android phone is simple yet it’s super effective.

You phone accumulates dirt from using it for constantly using it for a long period of time. Mobile phones are exposed to dust or small debris and this could go inside the small openings of your phone. You might not know it, but fabric pieces could get stuck especially if you’re always carrying it in your pocket.

Your mic is a small hole beside the USB connector. You can either blow at it directly or get a small pin or a thin needle and slowly poke that hole to remove any dirt inside.

3. Disable the noise suppression

New Android phone releases come with a cool feature called noise suppression/noise reduction. It basically reduces the background noise when you are in a call or recording a video. However, this could be the issue of why your microphone is acting up.

  • On the Menu, select Settings.
  • Select Call Settings.
  • Look for the Noise Reduction option and disable it.
  • Give your phone a quick restart and check if the dilema is solved.

4. Removing third-party apps

Some applications can be evil. They could sometimes interfere with your phone; thus, users experience minor anomalies. First, run your phone in safe mode. This will disable all third-party apps temporarily.

Try a test call or use the recorder to check the microphone. If it is working fine, then the culprit is within your apps. Back up your phone to retain all important information and do a factory reset.

5. Use one microphone at a time

You might not notice it, but your phone could be connected to a Bluetooth device that interferes with your phone’s built-in mic. Be sure to disconnect your phone from other devices and do a quick restart.

6. Force Stopping Bixby Voice

Are you a Samsung Galaxy S9 user who is experiencing the same problem? It could be because of the Bixby Voice. Open your phone’s settings and tap Apps. From there, select Bixby Voice and select Force Stop. Check if the dilema is solved.

After performing the steps above, you can check the return performance of your microphone, you could do a test through phone calls or by using the sound recorder application default android. Good luck.
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